DICK’S Sporting Goods is the one-stop shop for all your back to school shopping needs. It’s also the one-stop shop for your tween thru 7 year old needs. And your size 4 youth through size 11.5 mens needs. And your “cross country is starting tomorrow and I have NOTHING to wear” needs. Yup. It’s got […]
Hot Deal on Thanksgiving Tees and Hoodies You Need to Feel #Blessed
I found these Thanksgiving tees and hoodies and tees deals and just had to share. Now that the weather actually feels like Fall, I am loving pulling out all my cozy clothes. However, I need some more and this deal came just in time! Bold & Full – $10.00 Off Thanksgiving Tees and Hoodies! w/code: […]
Monday Style Steal | 4 Graphic Sweatshirts Perfect for Fall
Today’s style steal post is the first in a series of fashion-tastic posts based on the unique, hip, and sensibly chic items I find as a troll the Internet. I have bought some amazing finds and want to share the treasure trove of deals with you! Monday Style Steal | Graphic Sweatshirts You Have to […]
Eyelash Extensions Tips Guaranteed to Make You Look Fabulous
By following these eyelash extensions tips, you will find an easy, painless, affordable way to update your entire look. With eyelash extensions, you look put together, even when you roll out of bed and into car pool. I recently got some luscious lashes from The Lash Lounge Sandy Springs and just love them. I […]
Stride Rite Labor Day Sale and Partnering with Soles4Souls
Looking for a Labor Day sale to help reduce some of your back to school debt? I’m with you! It is amazing how much notebooks, Kleenex, and pencils add up to when you are buying them for four kids! And then add in clothes and shoes and my wallet definitely feels the pinch. But Stride […]
Tips for Back To School Shoe Shopping
It’s back to school time at my house. Yup. Like it or not, in the South the kids get out before Memorial Day but go back practically right after Fourth of July. The end of summer always means back to school shoe shopping is right around the corner. Since my kids go back to school […]
How Do You Make Summer Easy? #teamstriderite
This year, I am all about making summer easy. And I know, technically, it’s not summer yet. But hey, my kids have been out of school for two weeks. Memorial Day has passed. For all intents and purposes, summer is here! We had an amazing first day of summer break at Six Flags Over Georgia, […]
Are Eyelash Extensions for You?
Call me a skeptic. When I was approached about getting eye lash extensions I quickly shot down the idea. Surely that’s not something moms do, right? That’s something for those hipster millennials right? I wouldn’t look like myself right? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I am thrilled I was persuaded to give eyelash extensions a try. They […]
Valentine’s Day Gifts for Guys
Finding good Valentine’s Day gifts for guys are not easy. You want something sweet but not cheesy. Something flirty but still appropriate. Something fun but still romantic. Those are tall orders. To help you out, here are a few Valentine’s Day gifts that would be perfect for the guys in your lives. 6 Valentine’s Day […]
9 Reasons to Shop at Five Below #shop5B
I was introduced to Five Below for this holiday season and I am in love! I took my 8 year old daughter along for a shopping spree so she could buy presents for her friends and I am not sure which one of us had a better time. I was astounded at the value of […]