Do you have a unique baby? That’s like asking if the sky is blue or water is wet. YES! Says every mother ever.
Each of my kids have had a special something that sets them apart from each other. My 8 year old is sensitive and never wants to miss anything. My 7 year old is all boy and always has grass in his hair, even after a shower. My 5 year old wants to be a big kid so bad but every once in awhile I see the sweet, cuddly little baby he used to be. And my 3 year old? He is brimming with things to say and has a keen eye to watch over everything. They are all unique, yet linked together, and to my husband and I, in intrinsic ways.
My babies are all unique but I know that many store brands are not. I use store brand medicine, canned goods, paper products, whatever…and if I used formula with my kids, I would have definitely used store brand formula.
Leave a comment on this post telling me how your baby is unique to win a $30 Visa gift card to use on whatever brand you want! (The gift card will be provided by Store Brand Formula.) One lucky reader will win! You MUST leave your email address so I can contact you!
Want a chance to win even more money? See below to enter the Unique Baby Sweepstakes to win up to $5,000!
Store Brand Formula’s Unique Baby Sweepstakes
When it comes to infant formula, many factors will help make the decision of what’s best for your baby, but the name on the container should not be one of them!
What most moms don’t know is that the FDA strictly regulates infant formula to keep little ones safe, so store brand infant formulas, like Walmart’s Parent’s Choice and Target’s Up and Up, are nutritionally comparable to national brands like Enfamil® and Similac® and meet FDA standards, at a much lower cost to your family.
So essentially, the brand of formula you use is not unique, but of course your baby is unique.
To shine the spotlight on the most important part of the formula equation: your baby, Store Brand Formula is launching a “Unique Baby” Photo Sweepstakes in which the winner will receive $5,000 AND a year supply of Store Brand Formula.
Every baby is unique. Show how YOUR baby is unique. They’re looking for funny, silly, odd, crazy unique baby photos.
- Is your baby making a really bizarre expression?
- Perhaps your baby is making an angry face?
- Or maybe your baby’s hair is sticking up in a funny way.
Whatever it is, they would love to see it!
How to Enter
To enter the Store Brand Formula Unique Baby Sweepstakes, simply visit and follow the photo submission guidelines and the on-screen instructions to complete the online entry form. All entries must be submitted between September 28, 2015 – November 5, 2015.
Limit one (1) entry per person, per day for the duration of the Sweepstakes. One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive $5,000 and a one (1) year supply of the winner’s choice of Store Brand Baby Formula. Five (5) First Prize winners will receive $200 and a one (1) year supply of the winner’s c choice of Store Brand Baby Formula. For official rules click here!
Leave a comment here WITH YOUR EMAIL for a chance to win a $30 Visa gift card. I’m re-opening this giveaway for 1 day only. Winner will be chosen on Monday, December 14, 2015 at 10am!
Oh he is special for that precious little laugh!! Melts my heart!
My son has one cute dimple.
My baby is unique in that he is quite a chub-of-love. He is our little miracle after several miscarriages. pinkalligator@ gmail
My baby is unique because she has the brightest orange hair…everybody loves to comment on it. And she has the biggest brown eyes. Now, her personality is amazing. She’s a spitfire and a lover all at once.
Scarlett’s first set of hair would NEVER lay down flat. Now her new blond crop has two cow licks… Should make things interesting to see how it grows!
My baby Luna is unique because she never wants to wear clothes. She runs around the house saying she is “naked baby”. It makes us laugh every single time although I should probably not laugh and tell her to put on some clothes! 😉
My baby is unique because he loves show tunes! Not quite two years old and he can dance up a storm to some Broadway. It’s hilarious!
My baby is unique because she is the only offspring that shares my and my hubby’s DNA (she is an only child). She surprises me everyday, she’s such her own person. I love that she is strong willed and teaches me a thing or two! Angiewattie at gmail dot com
My daughter is unique because she is so creative. No coloring books for her; she’s always preferred turning blank pages into her own artwork.
My little man is unique because of his passion. He gets it from me, but I never understood its value until I saw it in him.
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What I remember most about seeing my baby for the first time was her hair. It was absolutely perfect. Not a hair out of place and a perfect side part.
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Jonathan…my only boy has 5 little hairs right on the bridge of his nose. They are so tin and have been there since birth (he is almost 9 now).
My son has a spunky personality like his dad in heaven!
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I have one of each and they are so different from each other. The oldest is a girl’s girl so helpful and my youngest is such a little boy. He always has some kind of dirt on him!
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My daughter is unique because of her crazy artistic talent. She paints so well at such a young age.
My son seems to have a natural ear for music. He tells us instruments that are playing and we didn’t even know he knew the name for them.
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My baby was unique because he never crawled in what’s considered “normal” crawling. He army crawled the entire time he crawled.
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My son is unique because he was born with six toes. No lie!!! They said that one in 100 are born with extra digits and that someone in our family had this happen. We immediately made everyone take off their shoes to find the culprit 🙂 we ended up having the extra digits removed?
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Big Sister is unique in that she is always reading. Always. Little Sister is creative….so super creative. I love that my girls are so different and they came from the same parents!
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My sons are unique because at a very young age they have both started a business.
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Each of my children are unique in their own way. My oldest (almost 18) tends to blaze his own path…most times at our request to blaze a different one. My middle child (the only girl, 9 yrs) came out, fists up ready to take on the world. She’s eager, outgoing, strong-willed, smart and I absolutely LOVE that she writes her own songs and has “taught” herself to play guitar. My youngest is the kid who wants to play every sport, is thoughtful, sweet, kind-hearted, sensitive and best of all the “snuggle-bug” I always wanted. He knows just when his momma needs extra hugs, love and a smile. We joke he will make the perfect husband one day. 🙂
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My daughter has the ability to see the good side of everyone. My son is musically talented.
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My youngest was injected with sarcasm in utero 🙂 She is a bright and lively addition to our family and I wouldn’t have her any other way.
My baby is unique she is the baby of an older brother and sister. She has so many attributes of both of her older siblings
My youngest was injected with sarcasm in utero. She’s a bright and lively addition to our family, and I wouldn’t have her any other way. 🙂
My daughter’s red hair makes her stand apart. ….just like her little brother. 😉
My youngest is just like my husband. Snarky and a hilarious sense of humor.
Dayo is special for her quirky smile that lights up a room… It lights up everyroom.
My little guy is unique because of the silly facial expressions he makes! Cracks me up even at 3 AM!
My oldest daughter and I have the same birthmark on our feet!
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My little man has a heart and empathy way beyond his years. Add that to his cheeseball humor and he is a perfect package of uniqueness.
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I think my son’s laugh and music ability makes him unique. I think my daughter’s ability to see the good in people makes her unique.
I had very “chatty” babies from the time they were very young. They would talk themselves to sleep at night and tell me “Hi!” in the morning. Such sweet memories!
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My little guy is special because of his kind heart, humorous personality and good heart. <3
My little guy is special because of his kind heart, funny personality and because he is just such a sweetheart!