No matter if you are heading back to school in person or virtually, there are ways to keep your stress level down. Yes, it’s going to be hard (no matter where your kids are learning) but you CAN make it work. Check out these 12 tips for everyone to have a fantastic back to school season.
Shine Like A Diamond. 6 Summer Essentials for 2020
If you’re home more with the kids, like me, and spending more time outside, you are going to want to check out these summer essentials. 5 of them are under $12 (plus 1 splurge I think is worth it). Did I miss anything?
4 Ways To Know You Need Therapy
Do you need therapy? With all that is going on in our world, chances are you do! Check out this article to know when you should reach out to a professional and who to reach out to.
Florida Travel |9 Things To Know Before You Go
If you are planning any Florida travel this year, it will probably look different than past years. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun!
Why Is Hair Loss After Having A Baby A Thing?
For most women, hair loss after having a baby is a very real occurrence. Those long, super shiny curls are now dull and falling out. Ugh. But you don’t have to accept this lying down.
14 Screen Free Activities Your Kids Will Want To Do
Kick your kids off their devices! These screen free activities can spark creativity and imagination and hopefully reduce stress too! Check them out!
8 Organic Beauty Products You Will Adore
Whether you are looking for organic beauty products, natural makeup or just healthy food, check out how to find them and which brands are best.
6 Tips For Selling Your Home in 2020
If you are thinking about selling your home in 2020, you may have an uphill battle. With the prevalence of Covid-19, there are some unique challenges you may have to deal with. I am not moving again right now but I have a lot of friends who are planning on moving or who are in […]
6 Reasons Being Color Blind Won’t Stop Racism
To my well-meaning White friends who aren’t sure of what to say, please don’t call yourself color blind. It won’t stop racism. Here’s why.
3 Virtual Party Ideas Guaranteed Your Kids Will Love
Looking to throw a virtual party for your kids? Things have changed a lot but birthday parties do not have to be cancelled. Check out 3 easy ideas.