I’m always looking for ways to help my kids increase productivity. I constantly tell them to “walk with a purpose” and not to put off until tomorrow what they can do today. I just want them to get their stuff done, you know? However, I get it. It is tough to concentrate and not fall into the hole There are a lot of time sucks out there for kids (and adults too)!

Now that the kids are back in school, I’m really focused on knocking things off my to do list. Getting and staying on track is something that helps boost my self-confidence. It just feels good to cross things off my list. I want my kids to feel that way too.
Now that the kids are back in school (thank you Jesus), the book reports and essays and power point presentations (!!) are coming too. Use the tips below to help kids transition to the new school year and give them a better foundation to use as the months go on. These tools may make it a easier for your kids, boosting their self-confidence. And if it makes it easier for you too? Bonus!
5 Ways to Increase Productivity and Ease the Back to School Transition

1. Set Expectations.
It’s super important to make sure your kids know what you expect out of them. This includes their behavior, academic performance, social media and technology constraints and more. It is also important talk to your kids about their feelings. Let them know it’s ok if they are nervous or scared. If they open up about any fears, work together to find solutions. Showing your own enthusiasm is key.
2. Prepare a Study Area.
If your child tends to become distracted with noise or others talking, make sure to set up a study area away from those areas in your home. Can you create a no distraction zone? Add some paper, pencils, calculator and whatever else your child might need to stay on task. This can increase their productivity by limiting the need to stop working. During homework time, set a timer and praise them when they work the entire time. Giving kids the ability to get their work done on time can really help them feel confident.
3. Stay On Task.
It is overwhelming to stay on task with all the important things that come up during the school year. From PTA meetings, to after school clubs to sports practices as well as all those orthodontist, dentist, and doctors’ appointments too. RoboWorx is a great solution to help you out when you’re struggling with keeping up with everything. This software company creates a system for you to pass on simple tasks including your scheduling social media posts, sending simple emails, copying and pasting and more.
They also have an RPA ( Robotic Process Automation ) which allows anyone today to configure computer software to emulate human interactions. Within digital systems, they capture data (like appointments) and manipulate applications (like pressing “OK”) to execute a process just like you would do. This software never sleeps and makes zero mistakes, plus it costs less than hiring a virtual assistant. You get to focus on your most important tasks instead of dealing with the mundane ones. It could be a game changer for those that need it.
4. Make Healthy Meals

Can anyone do their best when they are hungry? No! When your kids come home from school, allow them to choose a healthy snack to eat before they get started on their homework. This can be anything from yogurt covered raisins, apples and peanut butter, or vegetables and ranch. Smoothies are also a power-packed and delicious snack. (Check out this super easy muffin recipe my kids love!) Make sure the snack is small but filling.
5. Be Consistent.
Routines are key when it comes to helping your kids increase productivity and feel their best. This means to have a consistent bedtime and a well-established meal times. This helps promote appropriate behaviors, develop positive habits and ease homework anxiety. If you tell the kids no Forte Nite during the school week, stick with it. Once you have procedures in place, you have to enforce them.

Hopefully these tips can increase productivity and thereby give your child’s self-esteem and self-confidence a boost. Which ones do you need to work on to make this a successful school year? I need to work on them all! Comment below to leave me other tips that can helpI can’t wait to hear below in the comments what has helped you too!
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5 Ways to Increase Productivity and Boost Self-Confidence