Have you made a dish with creamy pesto sauce for your family? Prior to last month, I had never done so. I had no idea it would be such a hit with my kids (and with me)!

Think your kids won’t eat a Pesto sauce? THINK AGAIN. Creamy Genovese Pesto from Barilla is so yummy and my kids loved it too…despite it being green. (Side note: why don’t kids like green things?!?!)
What is Creamy Genovese Pesto Sauce?

This 6.2-ounce jar is small but mighty and packs an awesome flavor punch. As its name says, it is creamy and smells like fresh from the garden basil. The texture is smooth so my kids who complain about “chunks” were happy.
Allergy Note: This sauce does contain nuts so if you have family members with nut allergies be aware.
How do you cook with creamy pesto sauce?

Pesto sauce, as I’ve now learned, is super versatile! You can use it instead of marinara or Alfredo Sauce in just about any of your pasta dishes. With Creamy Genovese Pesto, a little goes a long way. One 6.2-ounce jar of pesto can generously cover a full 16 oz box of pasta. Plus, you don’t even have to heat it up if you don’t want to! Can’t get much easier than that!
Looking for a hearty soup? This is the easiest recipe ever!
6 Easy Ways To Use Creamy Genovese Pesto sauce
1. Stir into warm pasta
2. Spread on sandwiches
3. Marinating meats
4. Dipping vegetables
5. Spicing up dishes like lasagna or baked manicotti
Why is this pasta sauce so good?

The ingredients for this jarred pasta sauce are imported from Parma, Italy and you can tell! It’s made with fragrant Italian basil and freshly grated Italian cheese. It only retails for $3.29 at all your favorite grocery stores so it’s a really cost-effective way to upgrade your dish!
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