I loved having hair and make-up professionals come to my house!
When the people at BlownAway App contacted me and asked if I’d like a complimentary trial of their on-demand hair and make-up services in exchange for an honest review, I was excited. I love a good blowout! But then I realized that I really shouldn’t pay for a sitter to watch my boys so I could go get some eyelashes and a blow-out. Sigh. And then the Best Thing Ever happened…they told me that the hair and make up people come to me, and that my boys could totally be there and I could still get the beauty treatments I wanted. Say whaaat? I was all in.
I set up an appointment with the cool Uber-like app and then the panic set in and I asked a bunch of questions. Who was coming to my house? (Only background-checked, licensed stylists work with BlownAway App.) Was it OK that my house was messy? (Totally. They expect it.) Did I have to have a dedicated salon-like area? (Nope. Just a table or counter with access to electrical outlets is fine.) And it really was OK if my kids were watching TV in the next room? (Absolutely.) Oh, and how long will it take because I had to be at the bus stop by 2:30 p.m. (No problem. They try to get everything done in under one hour.)
Check out this video of my experience:
I had a fantastic experience using the services provided by Blownaway App and will definitely use them again. They may not take the place of my regular stylist but when I’m in a hurry, or my stylist is booked, or one of the kids is sick, or I just don’t want to fight traffic, I’m going to get on the Blownaway App and call in a professional. It’s not just celebrities who get to have hair and make-up people come to their homes…it’s regular moms too!
Right now Blownaway is only available in Dallas-Fort Worth and Atlanta but they hope to launch more cities soon. You can book an appointment up to a week ahead of time or in as little as 60 minutes. You can book through the Blownaway app or online. Want to try it out? Here are two discount codes:
mamalicious15 – $49 Blowout ($16 off) mamacombo – $105 Hair & Makeup Combo ($30 off)
What do you think about Blownaway? Will you use their Uber-like services?
OMG this is so cool. I LOVE this idea.
This is an awesome service can’t wait to schedule!