Yes, they do make LEGOS for teens. They are still a fantastic option for kids of all ages, but there is something special about seeing older kids play with them. Maybe it’s because I have 3 teenagers and 1 pre-teen right now, but I’m seeing more than ever that giving kids a creative outlet is absolutely crucial.

I still buy LEGOs even after I have stepped on them countless times with my bare feet. Yes, I hate when we lose the tiny Darth Vadar helmet and it causes my family to tear apart the house looking for it. And yes, having only one Wyldstyle minifigure may threaten the start of World War III. Despite all of that, the LEGO love lives on in the Smith house.
Want some cool options for LEGOs for Teens? Check out my favorites on Amazon. [affiliate]
My kids and I are not alone in this obsession. There are LEGO-based shows on Netflix, LEGO Bionicle and LEGO Friends. And FOX has just renewed LEGO Masters for a 5th season! TV producers understand that people of all ages love LEGOs. Check out nine reasons LEGOs for teens are necessary in today’s. world.

9 Reasons LEGOs For Teens Are Needed Right Now
- LEGOs give kids something to do that is not tied to a cord or a battery. LEGOs can keep your kids busy for hours. Hours!
- They grow with the kids. LEGO Kits that were very difficult for my youngest last year are now a piece of cake, yet he can still use his creativity to add to them or make new ones.
- LEGOs for teens inspire creativity.
- As teens and older kids are trying to figure out all the big life questions that get thrown at them during this stage, LEGOs provide a way to focus on something else, something easier and more manageable.
- LEGOs for teens give them an opportunity to be an expert and help younger siblings. My 15-year-old often makes LEGO kits and my 11-year-old plays with the finished products.
- LEGOS are portable and are a surprisingly wonderful way to pass the time during a long road trip. Sure, they might get lost in the car or thrown at a sister, but they are easy to take with us when we travel.
- LEGO bricks are so much fun. Whether spending an exciting day at LEGOLAND or just sprawling over the carpet in the living room.
- While some LEGO sets can be quite expensive, there are plenty of cool sets my kids love for under $20.
- LEGOS gives kids the opportunity to be kids for a little while longer.
There will come a time when I will have no more kids who sprawl across my couch watching Netflix or who aren’t interested in a dayor playing quietly on the floor will not be something my kids will want to do. So until then, I’m going to soak up all the LEGO little kid magic that I can.
LEGO Bionicle on Netflix
Six legendary heroes find themselves on an epic quest as they harness the power of nature’s elements to defeat the forces of evil. Watch Seasons 1 and 2 streaming now!

LEGO Friends on Netflix
Five best friends face adventures side by side in their hometown. Zany antics, love and missteps are better with friends! You can watch two seasons of LEGO Friends on Netflix.

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