You know you’re 40-something when you call someone a “woman of a certain age” and realize that age is yours. YOU are a woman of a certain age. 😬

Though age is supposedly just a number, it isn’t, and anyone who thinks that should sit on the floor and try to stand up. Being 40-something brings with it wisdom, gratitude, and a whole lot of aches and pains. It can also be a fantastic time to try things you thought you’d never do. How do you know you’re 40-something? A better question is, how DON’T you know?
I am now solidly in my 40s, and it feels like I’m entering the next season of my life. I have four kids. In August, I will be married for 17 years. And I’m having conversations with friends about things we wouldn’t have thought about in the past.
I am partnering with Responsival to talk about all the things women of a certain age may not usually talk about. Menopause. Fragrance-free detergent. Credit cards that get you into the airline club room. You know… stuff a 40-something cares about!
Do you know those commercials about life insurance with no medical exam? I watch them now. Those spam’y coupon mailers get opened. I look at my 401K balance. I mean, the idea of cheap term life insurance or the best 529 Plan or whatever are things we all should think about, but once you hit this chapter of your life, it is suddenly top of mind. Check out 26 ways you know you’re 40-something, and let me know if you agree!
26 Ways You Know You’re 40-Something

1. You talk about cheap term life insurance.
2. You get to play the fun guessing game called “Am I pregnant or in menopause?”
3. You buy gorgeous frames for photos that live in your phone.
4. You get mad when someone uses your “good mug” even though you haven’t used it in forever because it’s your “good mug.”
5. You get all bougie and ask where the seats are located before snapping up those free tickets from a friend. “200 level? I’m busy.”
6. You spend hours finding all the tops to all the plastic containers you don’t need.
7. You buy stuff on Amazon and forget about it until it arrives.
8. You keep thinking you can make joggers socially acceptable for every occasion (and save your “nice” pair for special events).
9. You have a “nice” pair of joggers.
10. You sit in your car in your driveway alone. In the school parking lot after carpool alone. In the Target parking lot, drinking a Diet Mtn Dew alone.
11. You check the evites of the parties your kids are invited to and stress out about what YOU will wear.
12. You scroll Facebook and feel bad about everything you didn’t get invited to. “No, I didn’t actually want to go for drinks with you, Tammy, but I would have liked to be asked.”
13. You waste time being all up in everyone’s pocketbook on Venmo and CashApp. “Another tennis lesson, Fran? Interesting.”
Check out some of my favorite books 40-somethings should read.
14. You may or may not pee a little when you sneeze. Or jump. Or someone knocks on your window when you’re sitting in parking lots alone.
15. You are willing to drive an hour to watch your kid play for 2 minutes and try to find something positive to say because you refuse to be THAT mom. “I love how you went all out in warm-ups, Buddy!”
16. You complain about cars that drive too fast through your neighborhood. “Hey! Kids live here!” “Get off my lawn!”
17. You hold your breath while searching for grey hairs. (So far, so good.)
18. You ask Google questions you should know but can’t be bothered to find out. “Hey Google! What’s the weather outside right now?”
19. You make brownies “for the kids” and then get upset when the kids want to eat said brownies.
20. You yell at your kids to stop yelling.
21. You pin recipes you will never ever, in a million years, actually make. Well…I mean…maybe, possibly…

22. You daydream about the perfect set of pots and pans. Oooh….copper!
23. You try to remember what you did and who you saw the day before, so you know if you can wear the same outfit again.
24. You get mad at Netflix for asking if I’m still watching the show. “Don’t judge me! I’m gonna finish Emily in Paris tonight!
25. You use “I can’t go because I’m washing my hair” as an actual valid excuse.
26. You are learning to live comfortably and unapologetically in your own skin. ❤️

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