Check out True Blue Schools to donate money to your school
This is a sponsored post full of information I know you will want. While I’m being compensated for writing by Georgia Natural Gas, I’m really doing it because I believe in value of a good education. Georgia Natural Gas tapped me as one of their Social Influencers to tell all my readers in the Georgia Natural Gas region about their True Blue Schools program which gives money back to local schools. Considering the cuts to school budgets, this money is desperately needed. (See below to try to win $50 for yourself too!)
My oldest daughter attends public school and I see the value of every dollar that comes in through school fundraisers and parent contributions. They have smartboards and a computer lab and a technology teacher and an accelerated reader program all because of “extra” funds the school collects through a variety of programs. True Blue Schools is one of those programs.
How it works
For every Georgia Natural Gas customer (both existing or those who switch) who signs up for True Blue Schools, $5 will be donated to the school of their choosing (public or private). I just signed up myself after learning about this and it took about 1 minute. They even have a tool to look-up your account number! And this program is at NO fee to you. The $5 comes from Georgia Natural Gas so your bill remains the same as do their competitive rates. TIP: If you switch from another company, be sure to use the code TRUEBLUE and you’ll save 15 cents per therm discount on gas service, in addition to the school of your choice getting $5 each month. And that my friends, is a true win-win.
My daughter’s school has earned almost $2000 thanks to True Blue Schools! And now they will get $5 more each month because I signed up. Some schools have earned $5,000 or even $10,000 in just months. In fact, Georgia Natural Gas has donated almost $2 million since 2008! If more families signed up for this program perhaps we wouldn’t have the need for the school fundraisers that irk me so. (No wrapping paper…please…no more wrapping paper.)
What do you think of True Blue Schools? Signed up yet? Here’s another reason to love them. Georgia Natural Gas has provided me with a FABULOUS Fall Family Giveaway pack to give to a lucky Mamalicious Maria reader! The prize pack includes:
- $50 Target giftcard (woot woot!)
- 1 insulated picnic tote
- 1 stadium blanket
- 1 chap stick
- 1 kitchen apple timer
- 2 chip clips
- 2 lip balms
- 2 mini first-aid kits
- 2 hand sanitizers
- 2 insulated lunch totes
- 2 cell phone anti-slip pads
The school would buy more school supplies and computers.
I homeschool but my local school would benefit by getting new playground equipment.
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
We homeschool but I know our local school could use some gym stuff!
Our local school would buy updated computers.
Jennifer Marie
lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
i would help ppl in need during the holidays
This would jump start my non-profit foundation! I am so excited because it is going to change lives!
Upgrades to the playgrounds!
Our school building is old, so they may look at any needed repairs, or upgraded computers. This program is great! The prize too 🙂
My school would probably improve the classrooms with some of the latest technologies and also use for everyday supplies
Our school would hands down renovate the scene shop. We are losing our technical director to cancer, and with it, so many things. The school needs new tools to help the kids learn a trade and gets some more hands on theatre!
Supplies (paper, pencils, paints, crayons) Latest technologies…maybe build computer lab
They would get smart boards and computers
I’ll have to check this out. I wonder if my daughter’s school knows about Trueblue. I would let the school decide on the best use of the 10K. Maybe a schoolwide vote would be fun?
I would love if our school had some shade covers for the kids when they are playing outside.
Be able to help with the backpack program, invest in more computers, complete the playground
I’m sure they would upgrade some computers!
My school would probably create a computer lab for the kids.
We would use it to buy new laptops.
I would pay off bills and buy a new computer and desk
Amanda Sakovitz on rafflecopter
Oops so sorry I didnt answer correctly. The school could definitely need new computers!
They would buy computers.
I’d pay off bills and get new living room furniture. Thanks.
would benefit with more technology centers for the classrooms- livivua
My girls’ school would use the money to pay for on-site after school enrichment for families that can’t afford it, educational field trips, and class subscriptions for educational magazines and websites.
Goodness! What couldn’t they use with extra money!?? That could pay a part-time teacher to come in 5-10 hours a week, to help boost students academic needs. Just to name one scenario…
Ours would probably buy new playground equipment
They would definitely update the library.
I bet they would use it for supplies for the classroom and some new gym equipment.
They would update the computer lab.
They would get ipad’s for the kids so every child has one available to learn.
Oh I know our school has been fundraising for new computers and sports equipment!
They could finally replace their playground equipment.
Thank you.
We have smart boards on the school wish list. Good to know about this program…
It would be used for playground toys/equipment.
Books, books, books, and then a few more books! 🙂
We would pay down our debt
our school would buy much needed books and supplies
My kids’ school would be able to purchase some new technology.
My kids school needs to be a True Blue school and I doubt they are. This is an easy way for them to raise money especially when likely most of the homeowners around the school are with Gas South. Thanks for teaching me about this I will let the school know today!
Technology, books, and maybe new gym equipment! 🙂
Update the computer systems
Books books and more books. They future of expanding our young minds.
Elizabeth. Entropygrl at gmail c