Since 2020 is the most unconventional year ever, it seems appropriate to create a guide for back to school items that are unconventional but so needed.

This year has changed everything. From where we go, to what we do, to how we go about our normal life…2020 is totally different than before. Now that we are solidly in back to school season, there are some items we never would have thought we needed but we do need now. Life has changed for sure. Here’s some items we should buy to make it better.
6 Back To School Items Needed For 2020
1. Vodka

Why am I including VODKA on a back to school guide? Because…2020. Obviously, this isn’t something to give your kids. It is something that might help you manage the stress and get through tough days of mom’ing hard. Bedlam Vodka sent me a bottle of their super smooth vodka. It doesn’t burn and I had no headache the next day. But be careful! It goes down so smoothly that you may be drinking more than you realize. [Of course, if alcohol is a problem for you or if you have to drive anywhere, skip this.]
Check out my latest, greatest, easiest new treat. Bedlam Vodka + Fruit-based popsicle = AWESOMENESS.
2. Socks

You aren’t wearing shoes much these days right? But as the weather (eventually) starts to turn, you are doing to want to have some good warm socks. I like these Swiftwick Pursuit socks as they offer moderate compression support, a no-slip cuff and seamless toe. They stay in place and help provide blister-free comfort. Someone even ran the Boston Marathon in them.
3. Masks

If your kids are going back to school face to face, or if you have to eventually go into a store somewhere, you need a mask. (And if you think you don’t need a mask, I think you should google “what does Covid-19 feel like”. There are nearly 180,000 dead, people.) Anyway, I found these great dry-fit masks from Adidas. They absorb moisture, are rather comfortable and they are the easiest mask to breathe in I’ve used. They are a little more expensive than others (3 for $20) but I think they are so worth it. I am going to buy another set because my kids keep taking mine as soon as they are back in stock.
4. Healthy Snacks

One of my favorite and easily portable snacks are these Organic Slammer Superfood Snacks. The flavors are so delicious. They are low calorie but high nutrient and you can throw them in your purse for when a snack attack hits you on the go. If you have healthy-food-adverse kids like mine, Organic Slammers are a terrific addition to their homeschool lunch or as a pre-sports snack. I like them cold from the refrigerator. They also make a great base for a smoothie! Want to try them for yourself? Enter this super easy giveaway to win a family-sized package with a variety of flavors sent directly to you!
a Rafflecopter giveawayWhat I’ve learned from the coronavirus pandemic, including that not touching my face is hard AF.
5. Portable hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is necessary these days. You want to have it on you at all times. That’s why I love these sanitizer key chains. You can clip one to a backpack or a purse or your keys! I like that they are refillable and are brightly colored so you can find it easily. Amazon continues to rule the world.
6. Fun

Depending on where you live and what the virus is doing there, you might be able to get out a bit. No matter where you live though, there is something you can do. Maybe it’s just taking a walk through your neighborhood or a local trail. My family was hosted at Topgolf Atlanta recently to see their updated procedures for ourselves. I was very impressed with the additional cleaning, the increased ventilation (including that it is all outside) and how serious they are about masks, gloves for employees and other precautions. For a couple hours, we were just able to have fun and forget about all the things. Plus, the food…SO good. Deal alert! In Atlanta, you can get a bay for half-price on Tuesdays.

Yes, I know 2020 kinda sucks. It is just so different than anything we’ve ever experienced. But I want to encourage you to have fun with it. Look for the good. Appreciate any positive that comes your way. We will get through this, friends!
I’d like to try the pomegranate grape crush.