Today is my birthday, and I’m thinking about the teen life lessons I wish I understood so many years ago. There is one, in particular, I’m determined to give my teenagers.

One of the most important teen life lessons is the idea that teens not only CAN contribute to the greater good of our world but that they are actually obligated to do so. That’s actually a teen milestone. I wish I understood as a teen that I could participate in making the world a kinder, more inclusive place. I wish I knew that civic engagement is not just for 40-year-olds. Teenagers can and should step up to be part of the solution they want to see!

My husband and I have always brought the kids with us when we vote. They have participated in political and social justice marches. We have been to Washington DC and toured buildings housing the institutions that hold the power. We’ve tried hard to show them by example that it is always right to stand up for yourselves as well as for others. We want them to see their parents engaging so they can see the world as a place where their voices can be heard.

If I could wish for anything on my 45th birthday today (you know, besides a million dollars), it would be that my kids understand that the world needs them to engage. The world needs them to be active participants to keep moving the arc of the moral universe toward justice.
Teen Life Lessons with Center for Parent and Teen Communication

I started thinking about teen life lessons thanks to the Center for Parent and Teen Communication. One of their 100-word milestone posts was about the first time teens learn they can contribute to the greater good. I love these quick, insightful bites of information tailored to teens and their parents.
CPTC provides science-based strategies to support healthy family relationships. Everything they share seems right on point. It is presented in a way that I can easily understand and apply in my life. If this sounds interesting I encourage you to sign up for CPTC’s 100-word, daily parenting tip newsletter.
Take a look at all the teen life lessons and milestones, and tell me which ones you’ve observed in your teen. Do any of these tips resonate with you? Share with me?
Also, check out the parenting style that makes me feel so seen.
[…] is one of the many insightful tips I got from the Center for Parent and Teen Communication. [Remember this one about getting kids engaged in civic duties?] I love these quick, 100-word milestone posts that include bites of information tailored to teens […]