St. Patrick’s Day 2019 is fast approaching. (It’s March 17th if you didn’t know.) And on that lucky day, it’s been said that everyone is Irish. While this is true, I have the delightful distinction of also being Irish the other 364 days of the year as well. St. Patrick’s Day was big in my house growing up. Huge.
I don’t know much about my genetic history, but I do know that I am part Irish. And I know that the family that adopted me is part Irish too. In fact, they are so Irish that St. Patrick’s Day was like Thanksgiving for us. We would get together for a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner and have Grasshopper Pie for dessert. My grandmother used to even have a St. Patrick’s Day tree she would decorate each year. You’ve never really celebrated St. Patrick’s Day until you do with some true Irish peeps.

For St. Patrick’s Day 2019, I will miss our “green” family dinners, the decorations, and the family getting together. I will miss my little Irish grandmother who used to make the holiday so special. However, I have been spreading the Irish magic to my own family now.

I teach my kids the Irish jig. We say the Irish Prayer together. And of course…we wear green. Since I’m always looking for St. Patrick’s Day recipes, activities and events, I thought I’d do my research and then tell you all about them as well. We can all be Irish together!
St. Patrick’s Day 2019 Activities at Home

Check out these free printable St. Patrick’s Day activities from ModernMami.com: St. Patrick’s Day printables and activities for the whole family. St. Patrick’s Day treasure hunt, anyone? Or how about some adding some Disney magic to the holiday?
Renee on Cutie Booty Cakes has a fun St. Patrick’s Day activity I know my boys would especially like: Making green slime. While I am typically an anti-mess type of mom, this seems like it might not be that bad. Maybe. Possibly. You do it and let me know.
St. Patrick’s Day 2019 in Atlanta

In Atlanta? Head down to one of the oldest parades in the country. On March 16, 2019 Atlanta St. Patrick’s Day parade will kick off in downtown Atlanta. This parade dates back to 1858, making it one of the country’s oldest. It will feature clowns, floats, bands, bag pipes, and more!
Afterward, head over to Atlantic Station for their Shamrock and Roll Run/Walk. Put on your best St. Patrick’s Day wear and run, walk or stroll with us! Strollers and dogs are welcome. This is a fun, festive race for the whole family! 100% of the race proceeds go to The Junior League of Atlanta to help their work with at-risk women and children in the community.
Heading to Savannah?
People outside of The South might not know that one of the largest St. Patrick’s Day gatherings is held each year in Savannah, Ga. It could be because of the historical tradition of Irish coming into this port in the 18th century, or it could be because of Savannah’s loose open container laws, either way it should be a rocking good time.
The big St. Patrick’s Day parade is held on St. Patrick’s Day (March 17, 2019) and will begin at 10:15 a.m. Savannah will be celebrating all weekend though with parties, festivals, and special events…all with a touch o’ green. While you’re there you should totally get in the Savannah spirit and check out their ghastly ghost tours. (The folks at 365 Atlanta Traveler have all the details.) I bet there are some Irishmen and women from centuries past who might have some things to say.
St. Patrick’s Day 2019 Recipes

I’m usually the one sifting through Pinterest looking for St. Patrick’s Day recipes I can make and I think my kids will like. This year, I don’t have to go to the time suck that is Pinterest. I can go to my own mother’s blog! My dear mother started AllServedWithASideOfLove.com and has been serving up her fantastic recipes for all to use! She gives you lots of details and makes it look so easy I think even I could do it. I mean…maybe. Being so very Irish, of course she has some fantastic recipes for St. Patrick’s Day 2019. Here are my favorites:
Grasshopper Pie
She recently gave out her recipe for my grandfather’s favorite Grasshopper Pie. (I like it heavy on the creme de menthe, with a side of Bailey’s, thank you very much).
Soda Water Bread
I can eat my weight in Irish Soda Bread. You haven’t had this delicious concoction? Gasp. Then you must make it! My mom’s recipe is simple and straightforward and I’m going to make it this year. It’s high time I pass on these St. Patrick’s Day baking traditions to my kids.
Corned Beef Dinner
I have to admit I’m not a huge fan of corned beef and cabbage. However, it is a St. Patrick’s Day dinner staple. I like my mom’s straight forward approaching to cooking a corned beef dinner. She has a way of making things look so easy.
Sparkling Mint Mojito

- 5 oz Sparkling Ice Lemon Lime
- 1 ½ oz White rum
- 6 Mint leaves lightly muddled
- Splash of lime
Directions: Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake and pour into a chilled tall glass. Garnish with a lime slice.

What will you do for St. Patrick’s Day 2019?
Erin Go Bragh and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!
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