By the way people are checking out my 2015 Atlanta Summer Camp Guide, I think most people know the importance of summer camp. Working parents need care for their children and stay-at-home parents need a break from the 24/7 care of their kids. And the kids need something fun! They need to learn social skills and spend lots of time outdoors and perfect skills like swimming, jumping rope, or maybe just knowing all the fun chants counselors love. Camp is crucial.
So what if you could help send a kid to camp for $5? Well you can. Your $5 + your neighbor’s $5 + your sister’s $5 + the guy behind you in Starbuck’s $5 + all the moms in your kid’s class $5 and very easily we would have enough to send a deserving child to summer camp. Every little bit, even $5, helps. So will you help? Can you give $5 or $10 or $20 (or more) to help lift kids up and set them on a path for a memorable, fun, active summer? Please do!
If not you, then who? If not now, then when?”
Rabbi Hillel (‘Hillel The Elder’), 1st century Jewish scholar.
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