I was super lucky to be chosen as a member of Netflix’s #StreamTeam this year and was given an iPad and a subscription to Netflix in order to check out everything they have to offer. And check it out, I have. I am a fan of Netflix’s on-demand service in general, but have typically only used it for the kid’s shows (which are amazing when we’re at a hotel that doesn’t offer…gasp…Disney Jr.). But I decided to see if there was something for me…and there is. It’s called The League. And it’s awesome.
I know I’m totally behind the times. “Better late than never” is a cliche for a reason. It’s true. The League is actually on FX (wherever that channel is) and has been airing for FIVE seasons now. The good thing about Netflix is that I can check it out from the beginning and then once I’m hooked, I can binge watch all the episodes to get caught up. To be totally honest, my husband turned me on to this show. I figured if he was laughing out loud at a TV show, it must be good. I was right.
The League stars hilarious actors including Mark Duplass, Paul Scheer, and Nick Kroll, who play friends who participate in a fantasy football league…a league they take way too seriously. Anyone who has a husband who lives and dies for his Fantasy line-up (like mine) or who is married to someone like that (me) will love this show. It’s a bit raunchy, but not cringe-worthy, and laugh-out-loud, try-not-to-pee-in-your-pants funny. Just make sure the kids are asleep and then binge away, my friends, binge away.
As a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam, I got this nifty little welcome package. I’m not sure who was more excited, my kids or I. And now I’m off. I’ve got season 3 to watch…!
We have a couple episodes left of Breaking Bad…we’ll have to check this show out next!