There’s such a thing as mosquito control? Yes! There is not much worse than having to deal with mosquito bites or that insanely annoying buzzing of mosquitoes when they circle around your ears. Also, let’s not forget that mosquitoes can carry diseases. Remember the Zika virus scare from a couple summers ago? That’s still around even though it isn’t in the news cycle any more.
You don’t have to just put up with these flying annoyances though. You can stay ahead of these irritating disease-carriers with these tips for keeping the bugs at bay. My friends at Mosquito Joe have some great mosquito control advice!
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5 Mosquito Control Tips
1. Get rid of standing water.
With my kids in the summer, there is always a bucket left outside that fills up with rain water overnight. Or a cup from the juice break that was left on the porch with juice still in it. But those things attract mosquitoes.
If you want mosquito control you need to make a concerted effort to make sure there is no standing water anywhere. Make your property less appealing to mosquitoes and they will find somewhere else to settle!
2. Hire a pro.
If you really want it done right, as with most things, hiring a professional is the way to go. Consider the experts at Mosquito Joe, a nation-wide company that provides mosquito control treatment to residential and commercial customers. Their technicians are trained mosquito control experts dedicated to one thing: getting rid of mosquitoes so that you can enjoy being outside again!
Outfitted with the latest gear and backed by the coordination of a top-notch support staff, they get the job done swiftly, thoroughly and professionally. Plus, they offer a satisfaction guarantee and never lock you into a contract! With Mosquito Joe, their mosquito control techniques actually break the life cycle of the
mosquito. They don’t just eliminate adult mosquitoes, they actively looking for breeding grounds to eliminate them too!
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3. Apply repellent. Repeatedly.
One of the most effective solutions for avoiding mosquito bites, especially when you’re traeling is to use insect repellent. You can get them everywhere and they don’t have to cost a ton. There are natural options if you are allergic to certain chemicals or you don’t want to use ones containing DEET. Be sure to apply them to any exposed skin. Ad reapply them throughout the day! Always follow the product label instructions for best use.
4. Dress for the outdoors.
Yes, it’s hot during the summer and that usually means wearing less clothing. However, the more skin that is exposed, the more chances for mosquitoes to bite you! Wearing long-sleeves and long pants is going to protect you against mosquito bites. Look for loose fitting or linen pants and shirts so you can breathe and not get overheated. Also, did you know that mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors? It’s true! Try wearing light-colored or neutral clothing to avoid those nasty mosquito bites!
5. Avoid times when mosquitoes are most active.
Typically, mosquitoes are more active at dusk and dawn. They like the cooler and less windy conditions. Think about planning your outdoor activities at other times of the day when mosquitoes are less active. So maybe you can skip that early morning run! (You’re welcome!)
Bottom Line on Mosquito Control
Mosquitoes suck. However, you can have mosquito control and get back outside during the glorious summer months. Go ahead and have your picnics and outdoor parties. Play in the backyard. Have friends over to your patio for drinks. Get back outside with these mosquito control tips! And then invite me over!
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