How do you learn how to speak up for yourself? This is not a skill we are born with, but it IS a teen milestone!

Can your kids speak up for themselves? Do they know how? Do they actually do it? When they need to communicate with a teacher or a coach do they have the ability to do so? I asked myself these questions in regards to my kids, especially my two oldest who are official teenagers now.
I have been helping my kids work on this life skill. (And it most certainly is a life skill.) I came up with 5 rules that can help my kids learn how to speak up when it is necessary. Maybe these rules can help you learn how to speak up for yourself too!

5 Rules To Learn How To Speak Up For Yourself
Speak up if:
- Someone might get hurt if you don’t.
- You think you’ll regret saying nothing.
- You have a strong conviction about something, and your opinion needs to be heard.
- You’re confused or don’t understand something.
- You’re standing up for someone else.
I’ve realized that kids, especially teenagers, are smart. They want to do the right thing. Most of them are compassionate, empathetic, and kind. Those are the characteristics they need when asking themselves if they need to speak up.
More Tips from Center for Parent and Teen Communication

Learning how to speak up for yourself is one of the many insightful tips I got from the Center for Parent and Teen Communication. [Remember this one about getting kids engaged in civic duties?] I love these quick, 100-word milestone posts that include bites of information tailored to teens and their parents.
CPTC provides science-based strategies to support healthy family relationships. Everything they share seems on point and is presented in a way I can easily understand and apply. If this sounds interesting, I encourage you to sign up for CPTC’s 100-word, daily parenting tip newsletter.
These posts are not just about learning how to speak up for yourself. There are so many you’ll find interesting and helpful. Check it out and tell me which ones you’ve seen in your teen. Do any of these tips resonate with you?

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