I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for WaterWipes. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
As a mom of four, I’m well versed in the value of good baby wipes. I have had a child in diapers for eight years and counting and so I’ve seen them all. When I was asked to check out WaterWipes, a new European brand of baby wipes, I was all for it. I use baby wipes daily for cleaning bottoms but also for wiping up spills, cleaning sticking fingers, and wiping down messy car seats. With a child potty training, I use them for cleaning up a variety of messes in a variety of places. Sigh. I have a pack of baby wipes in my purse, car, and on each level of my home at all times. However, I had never really thought about the ingredients in them. Yikes!
In doing some research to find out what WaterWipes were and how they were different from the brands I was used to buying, I found that they have some pretty unique features that are especially helpful to moms and important for moms like me to know, including:
- WaterWipes are chemical-free and do not contain preservatives.
- WaterWipes contain only two ingredients: 99.9% pure Irish water and .1% grapefruit seed extract.
- WaterWipes are durable and effective, holding up to some major explosions. They don’t fall apart when you need them!
- Once opened, the package doesn’t dry out, though WaterWipes does recommend that you use the pack within one month.
- WaterWipes are not interfolded. This means the sterile environment within their packaging is maintained.
- There are 60 wipes in a WaterWipes container which is as much or even more than some of the other brands I was buying.
WaterWipes are a natural option that is safer for your kids, especially if you have one that deals with allergies, eczema, diaper rash, or any other skin irritant. They are making their debut at select Babies “R” Us stores in the US this summer and through July will be on sale for two packs for $6. (The regular price is $3.99/pack.) If you are looking for them, go to the toddler healthcare section and not in the diapers and wipes area. They are also available at other retailers throughout the country.
Want to learn more about Water Wipes? Check out their website and follow them on social media:
Want to win a$100 Babies “R” Us gift card so you can check out WaterWipes for yourself (or anything else)? Just become part of the WaterWipes community and do one of these actions to enter. The opportunity runs through July 8, 2015.
WaterWipes Babies “R” Us Promotion!
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