Looking for Old Navy promo codes, or promo codes for any store really, is kind of my jam. I feel like a slacker if I leave that promo code box blank. Whether it’s free shipping or 15% off one item or 40% off my entire order, there are deal codes to be found and I’m going to find them. However, Old Navy promo codes are a little tricky. They are hard to find and it can take time to find ones that actually work. Here’s how I get around that.
5 Ways to Find Old Navy Promo Codes (that work)
1. Look for Old Navy Promo Codes at…Old Navy
I am conjuring up the image of Captain Obvious in my head right now. Duh. Of course you’d look through the site to find the promo code first. Or would you? Sometimes the promo code is only on the header page when you first click through so you might forget when it’s time to check out. Go ahead and open a new tab and get that promo code to enter in the promo code box.
Remember our oath: Thou shalt not buy online without a promo code.
2. Google for Old Navy Promo Codes
My next thought when looking for Old Navy promo codes is to GTS: Google That Sh*t. I mean Google is the all-knowing everything right? My kids will ask Google how to say two in Spanish or divide fractions or spell hippopotamus way before they will ask me! However, Google sometimes gives me too many results.
3. Sign up for Emails for Old Navy Promo Codes
One of the reasons I love shopping at Old Navy is because of the great deals I can find. They also have the sizes I need, like Talls. Yes! I signed up for their email newsletter so I can stay on top of their newest sales, but the newsletter sometimes has promo codes too. Not all store emails are trash you know.
4. Use Regular Coupon Sites for Old Navy Promo Codes
If I didn’t ‘get lucky’ with good old Google and immediately find Old Navy Promo Codes, then I have to go through the coupon websites. There’s…just…so…many…of…them…though. But I will not let the promo code box go unfilled! Some of the sites do have viable coupon codes but sometimes I get the dreaded pop up which means I have to sign up or log in or give some other personal information when all I want is the stinking code. And when I finally get the code, I’m never sure if they will actually work.
5. Use Dealspotr to Get Single Use Old Navy Promo Codes
So this is really cool, guys. Have you ever received a promo code for a store, like on a receipt, in an email, or in the mail? It often is a series of numbers and letters and has ‘single use’ on it in big numbers. What if you don’t need to use that coupon? Want to share it with others and get rewarded for it? Dealspotr is the place. When I checked for Old Navy promo codes on the other coupon sites, they all had the same site-wide codes. But Dealspotr offers user-curated deals! That means anyone can post a code for you to use. The site has some built in filters that makes sure the codes are verified. No more guessing! Dealspotr actually had 27 single use Old Navy promo codes. 27!
How to Find Promo Codes on Dealspotr
In my opinion, the key to Dealspotr is the single use promo codes. People who choose not to use the codes sent to them personally, turn to the deal website, Dealspotr, to share the wealth with others also looking for a deal.
Dealspotr has pages dedicated to tons of different stores, including ones I like and use all the time. They even have one specifically for Old Navy promo codes. This is where you can find almost all the discounts currently available at Old Navy stores, both in-store and online.
The Dealspotr community works hard to find and verify one-time use promo codes for stores, and Old Navy is no exception. I like the idea that we are all working together to save each other some money. In a kind of existential way we are connecting with each other. We are building bridges, rather than walls. We are helping each other rather than working against each other. We are focused on collaboration instead of competition. Love. It.
Become a Dealspotr. Earn perks.
On Dealspotr, you help fellow shoppers save more money by sharing great deals, coupon codes, and shopping tips. You can earn points for curating Dealspotr. The points are redeemable for e-gift cards. The community rates your deals based on their validity and the amount of discount offered. The better you perform, the more points you earn. Join me won’t you? And would you use my personal link when you do?
Now go fill in your promo code box!
Buying clothes and shoes for a family is not cheap. Trying to stay at least a little trendy can be even more expensive. If you can easily find a discount that could potentially save you significantly on your next purchase, then you should! I hope these ideas will help us all to save big on items for the whole family with these Old Navy promo codes.
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How to Find Old Navy Promo Codes that Actually Work