Dear Daughter,
Dream big, daughter. Reach higher than you thought you could do. Try things you feel uncomfortable doing. Don’t be afraid to wish for the impossible. Don’t be afraid to wish at all.
I want to inspire you to dream big, my only daughter. Do you want them to be a champion in tennis? In the science fair? In the art contest? In life? Go and do it! I know you can.
I hope I’m the inspiration I want you to have. I hope I have shown you that it’s always good to try something new even if it’s hard. I hope I’ve shown you that you shouldn’t be afraid to fail…that it’s all part of the process of life. It is the trying to do the thing that is most important.
Daughter, you are loved. You are worthy. You are valuable not for what you do or even who you are…but just because you are. You are valuable just because you’re alive!
To my sweet nine-year-old daughter, dream big, dream bigger than I ever did. Dream the biggest, most fantastic dreams I can’t even imagine. And I will do all I can to help them come true!
Love, Mom
This letter is inspired by the new campaign Disney has rolled out recently, called “Dream Big, Princess”. I learned about this initiative at the Disney Social Media Moms Conference, which is an invite-only social media influencer conference. This campaign might be aimed at kids but I think it is perfect for moms too. We need to remember to dream big too. We need to remember that whether we want to or not, we are our daughter’s inspiration.
Will you inspire your daughter to dream big…or to keep herself small? Will you inspire her to be fearless…or to cower in the shadows? Will you inspire her to be bold…or hid her talents under a bushel? Should your daughter grow up wanting to be just like you?
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