Some of the best advice ever received came from Oprah Winfrey (of course) when she talked about answering the self doubt in her that asked “Who do you think you are?” For me this is always more of an indictment than a question. She told me then, and I’ve learned since, that it is often uttered by small-minded people who want to keep you in your box. It is said as a way to keep you small, quiet, and average.
“Who do you think you are to get educated?”
“Who do you think you are to try to look beautiful?”
“Who do you think you are to be on TV…
“To find someone who loves you…
“To play tennis with the country club set…
“To rise to the top of the corporate ladder…
“To toss it all away and stay home and play My Little Pony?”
Best Advice Ever: Turn the question into “Who am I NOT to be all those things?
The world is not served well when you stay small. The world is not served when you cower in the shadows, or when you stay mute though you are bursting with something to say. The world is served when you are the “you” you are meant to be. When you take a stand for yourself and own your power, the world will rejoice and God will make your path clear.
Let’s all let this year be the year when we get bold with our own truth. Who do you think you are? A chef? A law student? An artist? A writer? A mom of many? Are you a thin person trapped in an unhealthy person’s body? Is there a competitive tennis player in you struggling to be freed? Would I see a poet if I peeled back the layers of your control?
I implore you! Get ready to burst from your box. Be bold! Be forthright! Be strong! Be the fighter you know you can be.
I once had a fantastic boss who gave me this best advice ever. She told me never to be afraid to wear red to a party. She said she used to worry about walking into a room wearing a fabulous red dress because she thought people would snicker, saying “who does she think she is”. But she learned that those people will snicker and belittle and drag down those around them no matter what dress she wears. So she told me, in her direct, no-nonsense way:
“Maria, wear the red dress! Be fabulous! Who are you not to be?”
Right now, right here, I give you my best advice ever. I wish for you to find out who you think you are…and then be that person! Don’t let anyone stop you. I’ll be there right alongside of you, pushing, praying, propelling myself to be the person I think I am too.
Need some inspiration? If “Fight Song” can’t get you going, nothing will! Before you fight on, take a second to tell me who you think you are so I can encourage you down your path, even if it’s from afar.
Wow Maria! Thanks for that inspiration. I needed that more than you know!