So it’s back to school season. This year, may be the most unique, and totally weird, back to school time I have ever experienced. Remember when all we were worried about was how to get our kids back on a schedule? Sigh. Those were the good old days.

In 2020, back to school means buying masks for the kids to wear each day or buying a desk to cram into a corner of your house for them to use. It means debating choices and politicizing school schedules. There is so much going on!
As my kids prepare to go back to school this week, I thought it would be a good idea to lay out some back to school tips for you (and me)!
12 Back To School Tips For Everyone
Going Back To School In Person?

- Add hand sanitizer key chains to each backpack. Get refillable bottles to save yourself money.
- Change clothes after school to wash off any virus bacteria that may have gotten on the clothes during the day. (Remember when we had “play clothes”? We have to go back to that.)
- Remove shoes before entering the house to not track dirt (and viruses) through your house.
- Be prepared to go virtual. In most places in the US, I think schools will all most likely go virtual. Get your mind right.
- Be extra thankful, and patient, with your kids’ teachers. They have turned into mask security, sanitizing soldiers and social distancing queens overnight.

If you really want to thank a teacher, win something for them. Enter the Juicy Juice 100% Thankful Contest to celebrate the awesome, crazy hard working teachers in your life. As we head back to school this weird year, I know I want to thank teachers who give 100% in and out of the classroom. You can nominate your child’s teacher, or any teacher, today! There are over $30,000 available in prizes! Who will you nominate?
Going Back To School Virtually?

- Have a dedicated space for EACH child. (Can’t find a student desk? I have found TV trays and rolling carts work well in a pinch.)
- Keep to a school schedule as much as possible, including bedtimes and meal times.
- Give the kids responsibilities to take some things off your plate. Can they make lunch? Fold laundry? Empty the dishwasher?
- Look for ways to socialize. Maybe it’s having a picnic with another family while staying 6+ feet apart. Or play tennis with a friend, keeping to your own side of the net. My friends and I have “parking lot picnics” where we pick up take out and sit in our own cars and eat “together”.
Back To School Tips For Everyone

- Eat as healthy as possible. It is important for us to keep our immunity system running well. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. I like to include a juice box for lunch or a morning snack. Juicy Juice 100% Juice is a great choice for back to school. It has no added sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, and is an excellent source of Vitamin C. Plus, it also provides one cup of fruit in every 8 oz serving.
- Give yourself, and those around you grace. This is a weird year. Accept that things will not go as planned. Accept that you will make mistakes. And above all else, accept that this year will be different from all others.
- Take care of your mental health. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone. Take care of yourself. See a therapist. Share your feelings with friends. Get enough sleep. This is HARD. Stop beating yourself up. How to know when you need to see a therapist

Let’s all remember that we will get through this year. We will thrive despite all the craziness that 2020 throws at us. We are strong and resilient. And so are our kids. My mantra for this year has been: We can do hard things! Believe this!

Want more tips? Check out this back to school post to help you stress less. And if you are doing some back to school shopping, I have some tips for you too.
[…] Check out some of my best back to school tips for those who have kids going back virtually as well a… […]