Yes, it’s back to school time already. You need to start getting ready right NOW. Like, today! To help you make the transition a little easier, I put together some back to school tips to help keep us sane. This season is hard y’all!
Feeling sad about your little one starting school? I get it.
Tip 1. Get plugged in.

Find out how to connect digitally with your child’s school. You don’t want to miss any important information! Is there a Facebook group for the school you can join? Are you signed up for the PTA? Is there a school newsletter you need to subscribe to? A teacher’s blog? One of my most important back to school tips is that you cannot count on your kids keeping you up to date!
Tip 2. Prepare for the paper tornado.
Starting from the meet the teacher today, you are about to inundated with papers. Tons and tons of paper. Start the year organized and prepare for the avalanche! I create a folder or file for each child so that there is a place to put all that paperwork they bring home. I then selectively “thin out” those files throughout the year. Homework time is coming, y’all!
View this post on InstagramDear homework, We have to talk. This relationship just isn’t working for me. It’s not you, it’s me. I need some space. It’s not about other after school activities. I just need to be alone for awhile. We have spent years together on and off because of those summers we were on a break. We haven’t been working for awhile though. I know you’re good, but just not good for me. I am just not in love with you anymore. But hey, we are still going to see each other around. We still have friends in common. Let’s not make it weird. I would like us to be friends. Signed, A mom after 90 minutes of homework IN AUGUST
Tip 3. Do a dry run of the morning routine.
Do whatever you can do to make school mornings less hectic. Is there a trial bus run you can go on? Why not time the drive to school to see what traffic is like? Think about the time each child needs to get dressed, eat breakfast and get out the door. This is especially important if you feel like you’ve really gotten off your school schedules or if there is a new change this school year.
Tip 4. Create a snack bin.

I included this as one of my back to school tips, but really it can be used anytime. It is going to save you time and reduce your stress! Take a bucket or a basket or bowl or whatever and put snacks in it that the kids can help themselves to. The snack bin can be used for after school snacks, after practice treats, or ones kids can take with them for snack time during the day. I like to include things like granola bars, dried fruit, squeezable snacks, and other items that kids like to eat and are healthy. Ok…healthy-ish.
Tip 5. Do everything you can the night before.
Make lunches the night before. Lay out clothes the night before. Sign reading logs and permission slips and everything else the night before. Think about what else you can take off your morning to do list. Make a checklist and post it where you can see it to go over it with each child each night.
The bottom line is do not wait until the weekend before school starts to go shopping or get organized for the school year. Avoid the stress and start today.
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