Disclosure: I received a gift card to shop the Magic at Play line at Kohl’s and also to give one to a lucky reader. All opinions are my own.
Whenever I bring the kids to a Disney theme park I like to dress them alike. It’s cute, yes, but it’s also functional. I can pick them out in the a crowd quickly and if I lose track of one (not that I ever do that of course) I don’t have to think hard to remember what that kid was wearing. So when Kohl’s asked me to check out their new Disney line to gear up for the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration at Disneyland this week, I jumped at the chance.

Want to check out this line for yourself? Or buy anything else at Kohl’s? Enter the giveaway below to win $50 to spend however you want!
i don’t dress them alike; they have different tastes, they are different people and individuals, their clothing should express that.
I like to dress them in a theme sometimes, such as colors,but since one is a girl and one is a boy they never dress completely alike.
I say you can coordinate them, but dressing them like twins (even if they ARE Twins) kills off a sense of individual.
When we went to DisneyWorld, we had theme days. They weren’t always dressed “alike” but they were always dressed in a particular theme. It was fun! I saw this line the other day at Kohl’s. It’s super cute! I wish it was around before we took our Disney trip.
Not a problem here since daughter is six and son is 10 weeks! But I don’t really think I’d do the dress alike thing unless it was for a family photo or something. I would rather they just pick what they want to wear.
I always dress my boys in similar attire, but never the exact SAME thing. Its more like if one has on a Polo so doe s the other or button down or sweater. Rarely they wear the same shirts but different colors. My boys are so close in age that people think they are twins so I try to push against that a little bit.
My sons are 2 1/2 years apart. They have a couple shirts that are the same, but for the most part I don’t dress them the same. jj250@aol.com
THIS is one I’d like to win… And I would say no to dressing them alike… Cael wouldn’t like that very much 🙂
I think for pictures its cute to have them kindof the same, yet a little different! Its fun to try to mix and match so it all fits together!
I think there are times when you should such as going off somewhere where they could possibly become lost, pictures, etc..
I loved matching my boys when they were little!
I loved matching my daugther and my niece – they looked so cute! Sometimes I match with my daughter too. I think it’s nice, as long as you respect their desires, if they are not into it, then don’t force it. My daughter never minded.
Some times I dress them in the same outfit just different colors.
I think if the kids want to dress alike then yes go for it!
I stopped dressing my girls (2 and 4 years old) recently, because the oldest started wearing school uniform but on weekends, it’s just easier to dress them alike but I try to switch up the colors to maintain individuality.
Clearly, I meant to type I stopped dressing my girls ALIKE. I didn’t stop dressing them altogether. 🙂
I would just go with what ever the kids like.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
I only have one child, so I don’t have this issue! But I think it is cute when kids dress alike.
I don’t mind dressing my kids alike every once in awhile but not on a regular basis
I would dress them alike only if they want it
I like the idea, but mine are so spread out in ages (oldest is 11;l youngest is 19 months), I doubt it would be easy to find sizes for these outfits for each of the kids. But I love Kohl’s so I know there are a lot of cute options to choose from!
I don’t dress my kids alike, they get to pick what they like.
I only have one right now but I can see dressing my children alike on certain occasions!
I’d say no, but I don’t think they would go for it anyway no matter what my opinion was!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Don’t Dress Alike, Let Them Express Their Own Unique Style. Rafflecopter Entry Name- Heather Hayes Panjon
Matchy-matchy can be fun. Handle with care.
i only have one child
I don’t dress them alike, because their age differences are too vast…2 are in the kids dept (1 boy, 1 girl) and the other 2 (also 1 boy, 1 girl) are in the young mens/juniors dept.
i like matching elements but not the exact same outfits!
If I had 2 girls or 2 boys I believe I would dress them alike. Having 1 of each is harder. We do sometimes wear same theme-such as Disney or same color.
I think if they want to, matching is cute.
For my kids, it’s not an issue, since I have one boy and one girl.
However, I grew up with an older sister (18 months apart), and there are some pictures from the early 80s of us dressed alike – even matching bowl cuts. Some things should just disappear from the face of this earth… 😉
I think it would be cute to dress them alike while they are younger, but probably not so much when they get older!
I never did dress my kids alike.
I didn’t dress my kids alike
thanks for the giveaway
not dress them alike
not alike, unless they’re really close and they choose to do so themselves
My children are going through a phase of wanting to dress alike!
Its fun to dress them similar when they are younger, but Im all for allowing them to develop their own styles as they grow up.
I prefer not matching but complimentary in color/style.
I don’t dress my grandsons alike. They are 15 months apart in age. Sometimes we coordinate color, but never the same outfit.
I think dressing alike is okay sometimes, but for the most part I would do different outfits.
Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I think its ok when they are young, but not for too long
Although my girls usually wear the same colors they don’t wear matching outfits. I wouldn’t mind if they do dress alike if they want to.
Leidy R – rafflecopter form
When my kids were younger, YES. Now that they are 6, 9,10 not so much. I dolove to dress my girls alike though
I have 1 year old twin girls ….
I don’t even dress THEM alike … LOL.
I wouldn’t dress them alike.
My mom use to dress me and my sister alike so I say no.
I did when they were small. I have girl/boy twins that I matched outfits when they were little… but they’re 11 so too old for that. 🙂
I think it is cute, but in moderation. They need their own identities too
I wouldn’t dress them alike. Its silly
I wouldn’t dress them alike. Its silly
I wouldn’t dress them alike. Its silly
when my girls were younger I would dress them similar at times, that changed as they got older
I like coordinating colors at times but not exactly matching outfits.
My son’s bday is on the 4th of July so I could get them all same color outfits for his special day!! Red, White & Blue!
No….they don’t even like to wear the same color.
not alike!
Not alike
I say either way, It can be cute to dress alike or similar when they are little.
I always liked to dress mine in coordinating clothes.
I like coordinating similar outfits, but not exactly the same.
no i dont like to dress them alike
I think it’s cute sometimes.. but not all the time.
For certain occasions I like to dress my kids a like. I think it is really cute when they are little.
I don’t normally dress them alike…they all have their own style!
not alike! I hated that as a child.
I wouldn’t dress them alike.
I say let them choose……alike is so cute.
My daughter doesnt dress like my teen niece, although my niece always tries to get her clothes from the same stores.
Nope! I like for them to look different!
I like to dress them in the same “line” of clothes but not matching outfits. They are normally mis-matched
I love to dress my kids alike! They dont always like it but to me its cute
I dress them alike for holidays
No way! my kids have totally different personalities and would never be willing to dress alike! haha!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I say that it is ok when they are younger.
I don’t dress them identical, but I like for them to coordinate.
Rafflecopter: Aly M
I don’t dress my children alike, but I think it’s cute when others dress their children alike. 🙂
I don’t dress them alike.