It’s time for spring cleaning your closet! Get rid of what’s not working to make room for some fun new styles! Feel overwhelmed? I’ve got you covered!

Keeping your wardrobe up-to-date can be a huge task, but it’s more than worth the trouble. Aside from enjoying the refreshing sight of an organized closet, you can save a lot of precious time getting dressed by not sifting through unwearable clothes. When you start spring cleaning your closet and arranging the contents of your closet, you’ll know exactly what you own and whether you need to buy new clothes or not. Do you need to buy new socks for women, for instance? It will be much easier to determine this if your sock drawer is neatly arranged and the worn-out pairs removed.
With all these benefits in mind, you likely feel motivated and ready to start spring cleaning your closet. To help you accomplish this endeavor, here are several tips and tricks you can try.
4 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Closet
1. Make a Plan

Before you begin to pull everything out of your closet, it’s best to devise a plan. Think about how you intend to do this job and keep yourself inspired up to the very end. Maybe invite a friend over to help you out? It always helps to have someone around so you won’t get bored midway through the process. With their help, you can also finish the task in as little time as possible.
If you prefer to do the job on your own, think about squeezing this task into your daily schedule. Will you do it in one weekend? Or will you allocate a few hours every morning or night to complete your spring-cleaning efforts?
2. Learn to Let Go
It’s also a good idea to figure out what organizational products you’ll need to prepare them ahead of time. Measure your closet space and shop around for storage solutions to maximize every nook and cranny of it. Clothing dividers, organizers, matching hangers, and clear drawstring pouches are examples of items you may want. They can help keep everything neat and orderly.
Purging your closet can be daunting, especially if you’ve formed an emotional attachment to your clothes. Fortunately, this can become easier if you focus on the benefits you can gain from seeing the process through.
Specifically, remember doing this will make room for the things that bring value to your life today.
You can decide which pieces to let go of by assessing each item with the following questions:
- Does it still fit?
- Is it in good condition?
- Are there no visible stains, tears, or rips?
- Do I like wearing it?
- Is it still fashionable and relevant?
- Have I worn it at least once this year?
If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to all these questions, consider keeping the item in question. If not, it may be time to let it go. Put all items you no longer feel strongly about into a box that’s designated for them. These are items that you can donate or give away.
3. Think Outside the Closet

Whether you have an average-sized wardrobe or a roomy built-in closet, you want more free space to keep all your belongings in order. First, make sure you’ve already taken advantage of every available surface or drawer in your closet. Then, identify any unused space inside your closet or around your room to create additional storage opportunities.
Get creative. Perhaps you can add storage boxes under your bed. Or, you could put items you only use occasionally on the top shelf of a cabinet. You can also hang an over-the-door organizer on the closet door to hold scarves, bags, hats, and other small accessories. Do you have an unused corner in your bedroom? Mount a bar on the wall or a custom storage cabinet that’s designed specifically to fit in small corners.
4. Have A Mindful Organization Strategy
Keeping your clothing and accessories stored neatly inside your closet is one thing; making sure everything you regularly wear is easily accessible is another. Put another way, you’ll want to strategically organize your clothes in such a way that dressing up every day becomes pretty much effortless.
Consider placing the clothes you wear the most often, like your work outfits, in the front area of your closet. That way, you can quickly get to them without wasting any time rummaging through the rest of your clothes.
You can also group similar clothing items or accessories together and then store them in areas designated for specific categories. This will make finding them a lot simpler. For example, you can hang up your dress pants and blouses and keep folded jeans and t-shirts in drawers. Maybe you can assign a part of your closet for casual clothes and another for more formal pieces. Try experimenting with different setups to find one that works best for you.
Thoroughly spring cleaning your closet and organizing your wardrobe will make it look aesthetically pleasing. It will also make your daily routines so much less stressful in the long run. As long as you carefully plan how you’ll go about it and allow yourself to get creative, you shouldn’t have any problem reworking your closet so it serves your specific needs.
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