Limiting bladder leaks is a concept most mothers understand. They know when they laugh too hard they might tinkle a bit. Joining the kids on the trampoline? Forget about staying dry. And for those who participate in an active sport like tennis, leaks might make you hang up your racket for good. I’m here to tell you, your sensitive bladder (that’s what they’re calling it nowadays) doesn’t have to knock you out of life.
According to Always Discreet, 1-in-3 women will experience some sort of bladder leaks during their lifetime. For African American women, that number jumps to 1-in-2! This can range from very mild leakage to total loss of bladder control. Many mothers experience stress incontinence during pregnancy and after child birth. This means activities which raise the pressure inside their abdomen may cause urine to leak. Coughing, sneezing, jumping, running and lifting heavy objects may all lead to a leak. Playing tennis, like I do, may seem off the table. It’s not.
Here’s one truth to remember: You do not have to live quietly with bladder leaks. It might be able to be cured, treated or at the very least better managed. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your sensitive bladder issues and the best treatment solutions for you. And check out these tips for limiting bladder leaks so you can get back to living your life!
5 Tips for Limiting Bladder Leaks And Staying in the Game
1. Don’t use ‘period’ pads.
It’s tempting to use the same pads you use when ‘Aunt Flo’ visits, but resist the urge. Try using products specifically made for bladder incontinence like Always Discreet products. They are more absorbent, neutralize the odor of urine, and have LeakGuard™ protection so the only thing running down your legs is sweat!
2. Breathe.
Something as simple as holding your breath when you are working out, whether lifting, sprinting or slamming a volley at the net, can increase the intra-abdominal pressure in you. Holding your breath makes leaks more likely. It can also further weaken your pelvic floor muscles.
3. Drink early.
Try to get your fluids in early in the day. Sip water between meals. This may help limiting bladder leaks as well as be generally healthier for you too.
4. Don’t get dehydrated.
While limiting liquids may seem like a good idea, it’s not. Becoming dehydrated will do more harm than good. When you don’t drink enough, your urine may be more concentrated which can increase the chance of bladder irritation and raise your risk for leaks. Also, drinking water may help reduce odors in your urine.
5. Avoid caffeine.
Caffeine is a stimulant and may aggravate your urinary tract which can lead to leaks. Also, think about reducing your intake of citrus juices, alcohol and carbonated beverages as they can be irritants as well.
Finding the Right Product
Always Discreet has created several incontinence products to support women for whom limiting bladder leaks is necessary: Always Discreet Incontinence Liners, Always Discreet Incontinence Pads, and Always Discreet Incontinence Underwear. No matter your leakage issues or bladder incontinence needs, there is a product to work for you.
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