The Smith family international adventure starts this month! We have taken the kids all over this country from coast to coast but for the first time we are leaving the shores of the USA. We are headed to Jamaica to participate in the 3rd annual #Beachesmoms Social Media On the Sand conference!
The last two Social Media On the Sand conferences were held at the amazing Beaches Turks and Caicos resort. After calculating the cost of airfare alone to this small, luxurious island my husband and I left the kids at home.
We had two fantastic trips we will never forget. But something was missing. The kids! When it was announced that this year’s conference would be at Beaches Negril in Jamaica we knew we had to make it happen to bring the kids.
Jamaica has many more flights and the cost for airfare was significantly less. Plus, while we do have to pay something, since we are part of the invite-only Social Media on the Sand conference, Beaches Resorts significantly reduced our costs. Woohoo!
We got the kids passports, talked to their teachers about the school they are missing, and bought the movie Cool Runnings to give them some context of Jamaica. It’s been fun to include them in the excitement of this big trip. I think they are most excited about the idea of the “free” ice cream shop which we promised them they could visit everyday.
Taking the kids outside the country has been a dream of mine and of my husband since we spent our honeymoon in St. Martin. We said then we wanted to expose our kids to different cultures, food, and people. We want our kids to know the world is a great big place and more than just the tiny corner they see everyday. We want to encourage them to be curious about the world and to be able to speak from experience as they grow up. We are thrilled to take them along on this international adventure.
Despite the reduced costs afforded us by the conference and Beaches Resorts, it was still a significant expense to bring a family of six to Jamaica for a 4 night all-inclusive vacation. However, I know it will be worth it! Follow the Smith family international adventure on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or just check the hashtags #beachesmoms and #smithfamtravels.
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