So you’ve heard about CBD oil, right? It’s one of the newest, latest, greatest trends to hit the health and wellness scene. However, it was only recently that I thought CBD could be used by moms like me. I mean, it was for hipster millennials, retired hippies, and anyone who lives in California, right? WRONG.

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is extracted from the buds and flowers of hemp plants. While USA Hmp CBD can allow for up to 0.03% THC, much like wines, not all CBD products are created equal. Hapsy chosed to produce products with pure CBD only, so there is no THC in their products. It can produce a noticeable relaxation experience for you, physically and emotionally. And I learned this first hand when I started using CBD oil just this month.
Millions of people use CBD oil for anxiety, sleeplessness, depression, and high-stress situations. Many also use CBD oil for pain management. It will affect everyone differently and I found out exactly how it worked in my body.
My Experience with CBD Oil

Several CBD companies have reached out to me in the last couple years, but I simply deleted their emails. I thought CBD was not for me. I was too old, or too boring, or not hip enough. Truthfully, I don’t even drink much. I’ve never smoked anything or taken any non-prescribed drug. I am the definition of risk-averse. However, when the people from Hapsy contacted me, I was forced to rethink my assumptions.
Hapsy was created specifically for busy women, moms, those in the prime of their lives. People like me! They told me Hapsy products could help me feel less anxious during homework time and recover faster from a three-set tennis match. It could help me remain more alert during the afternoon carpool and maybe even sleep better at night. They also said that Hapsy CBD oil didn’t have any after taste, was safe to use and wouldn’t give me the headache wine often delivers. I knew it was something I needed to try.
19 Ways Hapsy CBD Oil Can Be Used by Moms
CBD Oil can help moms:
- Fall asleep faster
- Stay asleep longer
- Reduce the anxiety felt when your kids are out without you
- Lower your general stress levels
- Lower your blood pressure
- Limit the irritability during the ‘witching hour’
- Relax
- Be more comfortable in social situations
- Have less muscle aches.
- Reduce the time needed to recover from strenuous workouts
- Lessen inflammation in the body
- Strengthen your immune system
- Recover from workouts faster
- Be more patient dealing with bedtime temper tantrums
- Relieve general anxiety about the state of the world
- Not be so stiff after wrestling with the kids
- Be less frustrated when the gallon of milk is spilled
- Focus more intently on work projects
- Be less irritable
What does it feel like?

Nothing, really. When I put the oil under my tongue, I can taste it but I don’t feel anything. However, an hour later I will look back and realize I was much more relaxed or that the ache in my knee isn’t there anymore. There is no sudden rush, no high, no distinctive physical sensations at all. It was only when I reflected back that I could see that I just felt a sense of calm and like the edge of irritability I was on fell away.
Hapsy CBD is there when you need it. Their products are designed to be discreet so that you can take it on the go — no matter what that looks like for you. Throw it in your bag, tuck it in a pocket, or keep it in your desk drawer. Hapsy can go wherever you go as easily as your favorite lip balm.
While most people love all the benefits of hemp and CBD, Hapsy never wants to be counterproductive to anyone’s wellness routine. That’s why they don’t and won’t ever sell inhalants. They want you to enjoy today without causing harm tomorrow.
Want more information on CBD?
Don’t take my word for it. Check out this New York Times article which gives you some expert-level info:
Hapsy Founder Answers My Real Questions On CBD

After using Hapsy CBD products for a couple weeks I had still had some nagging questions. After googling for a bit, I decided to go right to the source. I reached out to the founder of Hapsy, Andrea Wightwick, to ask my questions. Maybe the answers will help you too!
1. Is Hapsy CBD Oil safe to take everyday?
Absolutely. Some people have no problems during the day and can work, parent, exercise, cook, clean, etc. with no problem. But, then at nighttime, they can’t shut down and sleep. So, taking it at night helps them. Some people are the opposite. They can easily power down at night but need a stamina build during the long day to handle the “second shift” with poise. And then some people just need help with both. And that’s okay. The best thing to do is 1) Identify the problem you personally have and then 2) work Hapsy into your routine to preemptively address that problem so it doesn’t occur.
2. Will taking multiple doses be exponentially better?
No. This is not a “power-up” kind of thing. Think of a liberty scale. On one side of the scale, you have things that give you energy (food, water, working out, sleeping right, etc.) and on the other side you have things that zap energy (work, running errands, heck…putting on makeup for me, stress, etc.). When the latter side is heavier, Hapsy can help you bring that liberty scale back into balance. So, taking multiple doses doesn’t really make anything better. Taking the right dose for you helps you enjoy the “good” side of the liberty scale while still dealing with (and not abandoning) the bad side of the liberty scale.

3. Can you take the drops AND rub on the Soothe Stick?
Absolutely and I personally don’t consider it two doses even if I am using them at the same time. I worked out this AM and I used the soothe stick on my left shoulder (very slight rotator cuff tear leftover from a broken shoulder two years ago) and then, about 15 minutes later, I put a 1/4 dropper of Pure Plant Daily Drop into my coffee. They will do two separate things.
The Soothe Stick is promoting a faster recovery on my shoulder that I worked out today so I can keep fluid mobility, and the Daily Drop is moving through my digestive system to allow a sustained focus mentally for the next couple of hours. I also like to take another 1/4 dropper (10mg) about 3PM alongside a little snack if I’m feeling sluggish so I can stay focused to clear out the day and move into Mom Mode for the next 5+ hours afterward.
4. How often should I apply the Soothe Stick after a hard workout?
This is very subjective based on what your body is needing. My shoulder obviously has a history so I apply it every day I worked those muscles and again at night while watching TV, just for more massaging/TLC. It’s pliable. It’s easy to tailor for you and your problems. So, identifying the problems you have in your daily life is the largest hurdle to implementing this routine. If I used the Soothe Stick on my elbow, I’d feel the same as I feel now…because I have no elbow issues. But, if someone has tennis elbow and really struggles with a dull pain every day while working at a computer, they may find a very different benefit to using Hapsy on their elbow.
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